Day 71 - Major & Salary Datas Exploration

Posted by pei_______ on 2022-06-28

learning from 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022

00. Get datas
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('salaries_by_college_major.csv')

01. Basic DataFrame INFO
.head() / .tail() / .shape / .columns

02. Look for NaN & clean up
.findna() / .dropna()

03. access entire columns
df['column name']
df[['column name 1', 'column name 2', 'column name 3']]

04. access individual cells
df['column name'][index]
df['column name'].loc[index]

05. largest and smallest values
.max() / .min()
.idxmax() / .idxmin()

06. sort the DataFrame
.sort_values('column', ascending=False)

07. add new columns
.insert(location, column_name, column)

08. create category

09. format the datas
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}'.format

Scratching datas by BeautifulSoup

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import time

url = ""

# write the first row in csv
with open("salaries_by_college_major_new.csv", 'w') as file_create:
    file_create.write("Major,Early Career Pay,Mid-Career Pay,High Meaning\n")

def record_data(major_list, salary_list):
    for major_index in range(0, len(major_list)):
        salary_index = major_index * 3
        with open("salaries_by_college_major_new.csv", 'a') as file:
                       f"{float(salary_list[salary_index].replace(',', '').replace('$', ''))},"
                       f"{float(salary_list[salary_index + 1].replace(',', '').replace('$', ''))},"
                       f"{salary_list[salary_index + 2]}\n")

for page in range(1, 35):  # 35
    web_data = requests.get(f"{url}/page/{page}").text
    soup = BeautifulSoup(web_data, "html.parser")

    majors_html =".csr-col--school-name .data-table__value")
    majors = [major.text for major in majors_html]

    salaries_html =".csr-col--right .data-table__value")
    salaries = [salary.text for salary in salaries_html]

    record_data(majors, salaries)

#Python #課堂筆記 #100 Days of Code

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