Day 59 & 60 - POST request & Blog Project

Posted by pei_______ on 2022-06-07

learning from 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022

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  • POST request
  1. HTML form tag - action
  2. HTML form tag - method
  3. Flask - HTTP methods
# index.html - form

<form action="{{ url_for('go_login') }}" method="post">
        <input type="text" placeholder="name" name="name">
        <input type="password" placeholder="password" name="password">
        <button type="submit">OK</button>

# - POST & GET

@app.route('/login', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def go_login():
    error = None
    if request.method == 'POST':
            name = request.form['name']
            password = request.form['password']
            return f"<h1>Name: {name}, Password: {password}</h1>"
        except KeyError:
            error = 'Invalid username/password'

    return f"<h1>It's NOT POST request<h1>" \
           f"<p>Error: {error}</p>"

from flask import Flask, render_template, request
import requests
import smtplib
import os

app = Flask(__name__)

post_url = ""
post_response = requests.get(post_url)
posts = post_response.json()

MY_EMAIL = os.environ['MY_EMAIL']
PASSWORD = os.environ['PASSWORD']

def home_page():
    return render_template("index.html", posts=posts)

def go_post(index):
    index = int(index)
    return render_template("post.html", post=posts[index])

def go_about():
    return render_template("about.html")

@app.route("/contact", methods=['GET'])
def go_contact():
    return render_template("contact.html", method='get')

@app.route("/contact", methods=['POST'])
def receive_data():
    name = request.form['name']
    email = request.form['email']
    phone = request.form['phone']
    msg = request.form['msg']

    with smtplib.SMTP("", 587, timeout=120) as smtp:
        smtp.login(user=MY_EMAIL, password=PASSWORD)
                      msg=f"Subject:From Clean Blog\n\n"
                          f"name: {name}\nphone: {phone}\n"
                          f"email: {email}\nmsg: {msg}".encode('utf-8'))

    return render_template("contact.html", method='post')

if __name__ == "__main__":


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

{% include 'header.html' %}


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    {% include 'navigation.html' %}

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                        <span class="subheading">A Blog Theme by Start Bootstrap</span>

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                {% for post in posts %}
                <!-- Post preview-->
                <div class="post-preview">
                    <a href="{{ url_for('go_post', - 1) }}">
                        <h2 class="post-title">{{ post.title }}</h2>
                        <h3 class="post-subtitle">{{ post.subtitle }}</h3>
                    <p class="post-meta">
                        Posted by
                        <a href="{{ url_for('home_page') }}">{{ }}</a>
                        on {{ }}

                <!-- Divider-->
                <hr class="my-4" />
                {% endfor %}

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<!DOCTYPE html>
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{% include 'header.html' %}

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        {% include 'navigation.html' %}

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                    <div class="col-md-10 col-lg-8 col-xl-7">
                        <div class="post-heading">
                            <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
                            <h2 class="subheading">{{ post.subtitle }}</h2>
                            <span class="meta">
                                Posted by
                                <a href="#!">{{ }}</a>
                                on {{ }}

        <!-- Post Content-->
        <article class="mb-4">
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                    <div class="col-md-10 col-lg-8 col-xl-7">
                            <p>{{ post.body }}</p>

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