HTML 語法架構 & 常用語法

Posted by pei_______ on 2022-05-16

(HyperText Markup Language)

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HTML 主要架構

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">

  <meta charset="utf-8">


  • <!DOCTYPE html> 聲明這是一份採用 HTML5 語法標準的文件
  • <html lang="en" dir="ltr"> </html> 聲明以下是 HTML 語法
  • <head> </head>: 放置關於該網頁的元資訊 metadata
  • <body> </body>: 放置顯示在頁面上的內容資訊
  • <title> </title>: 網頁標題,會顯示在分頁標籤上
  • <meta charset="utf-8">: 用來備註給電腦讀取的資訊
    <meta> 可放置資訊範例
    (1) 網站搜尋時的描述: <meta name="description" content="描述">
    (2) 易搜尋的關鍵字: <meta name="keywords" content="關鍵字">
    (3) 出版者資訊: <meta name="author" content="出版資訊">
    (4) 版權歸屬: <meta name="copyright" content="版權歸屬">
    (5) 發布地區: <meta name="distribution" content="發佈所在地區">
    (6) 解碼語法: <meta charset="utf-8">

HTML - 標籤 tag & 屬性 attribute

雙標籤 < start tag > + content + < end tag >

01. Head 標題

<h1> It's HTML heading tag in h1</h1>
<h2> It's HTML heading tag in h1</h2>
<h3> It's HTML heading tag in h1</h3>
<h4> It's HTML heading tag in h1</h4>
<h5> It's HTML heading tag in h1</h5>
<h6> It's HTML heading tag in h1</h6>

02. Paragraph 段落

<p> Hello! My name is Penny.</p>

03. Ordered List / Unordered List 項目清單

<!-- Ordered List -->
<ol type="a">
    <li> a.first item </li>
    <li> b.second item </li>

<ol type="i">
    <li> i.first item </li>
    <li> ii.second item </li>

<ol start="7">
    <li> 7.first item </li>
    <li> 8.second item </li>

<!-- Unordered List -->
    <li> first item </li>
        <li> first item first subitem </li>
        <li> first item second subitem </li>
    <li> second item </li>

04. Image Elements 插入圖片

<img src="my_profile.img" alt="keyword for img">

<!-- src=圖片來源source -->
<!-- alt=圖片替代文字alternate text 圖片無法顯示時顯示,也會增加SEO搜尋 -->
<!-- title=圖片標題title  -->
<!-- with=圖片寬度像素width 滑鼠滑過圖片時自動顯示-->
<!-- heigh=圖片高度像素heigh-->

05. HTML Links and Anchor Tags 插入連結

<!-- 文字連結-->
<a href="">This link connect to YouTube</a>

<!-- 圖片連結-->
<a href="image_info.html" target="_blank">
  <img src="image.img">

<!-- href=URL連結-->
<!-- target=打開連結的位置 ex._self(預設值,當前視窗)_blank:(新視窗)-->

06. Tables 插入表格

<table cellspacing=10>
    <thead> <!--會自動變成粗體字 -->
            <th> Title of first column </th>
            <th> Title of second column </th>
            <td> Here is row1 column1 </td>
            <td> Here is row1 column2 </td>
            <td> Here is row2 column1 </td>
            <td> Here is row2 column2 </td>

<!-- cellspacing=資料的間距 -->

05. Form 插入表單
all the input elements

<form action="indext.html" method="" enctype="text/plain">
    <label>User Name: </label>
    <input type="text" name="username" value=""><br>
    <label>Password: </label>
    <input type="password" name="password" value="">
    <input type="submit">

<label for="name">There are many wedget you can use:</label>

<input type="text" value="key some word">
<input type="button" value="button">
<input type="checkbox">
<input type="date">
<input type="email" >
<input type="file">
<input type="radio">
<input type="range">
<input type="reset">
<input type="search">
<input type="submit">

06. 排版工具

  • 置中顯示
<certer> Something you want align center</center>
  • 文字標註
<!-- 斜體字 -->
<em> emphasis 另有強調語意,可加強SEO搜尋 </em>
<i> italic 單純斜體字 </i>

<!-- 粗體字 -->
<strong> strong 另有強調語意,可加強SEO搜尋 </strong>
<b> bold 單純粗體字 </b>

單標籤 < self-closing tag >




<hr size ='1' noshade>


<!-- Something notice yourself -->

#html #課堂筆記 #web系列

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