Day 15-Coffee Machine

Posted by pei_______ on 2022-04-25

learning from 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022

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# Coffee Machine

def print_report():
    rest_water = resources['water']
    rest_milk = resources['milk']
    rest_coffee = resources['coffee']
    money_in_machine = earn_money

    print(f"Water: {rest_water}ml")
    print(f"Milk: {rest_milk}ml")
    print(f"Coffee: {rest_coffee}g")
    print(f"Money: ${money_in_machine}")

def check_resources(coffee_want):
    need_water = MENU[coffee_want]['ingredients']['water']
    need_milk = MENU[coffee_want]['ingredients']['milk']
    need_coffee = MENU[coffee_want]['ingredients']['coffee']
    not_enough = []

    if resources['water'] >= need_water and resources['milk'] >= need_milk and resources['coffee'] >= need_coffee:
        return 'success'
    if resources['water'] < need_water:
        not_enough.append('water ')
    if resources['milk'] < need_milk:
        not_enough.append('milk ')
    if resources['coffee'] < need_coffee:
        not_enough.append('coffee ')
    return not_enough

def insert_coin(coffe_want):
    quarters = int(input("how many quarters?: "))
    dimes = int(input("how many dimes?: "))
    nickles = int(input("how many nickles?: "))
    pennies = int(input("how many pennies?: "))
    insert_money = 0.25 * quarters + 0.1 * dimes + 0.05 * nickles + 0.01 * pennies
    if insert_money >= MENU[coffe_want]['cost']:
        change = round(insert_money - MENU[coffe_want]['cost'], 2)
        print(f"Here is ${change} in change.")
        print(f"Here is your {coffe_want}. Enjoy!")
        return True
        print(f"Sorry that's not enough money. Money refunded.")
        return False

machine_working = True
earn_money = 0

while machine_working:
    order = input("What would you like? (espresso/latte/cappuccino): ").lower()

    if order == 'espresso' or order == 'latte' or order == 'cappuccino':

        check_result = check_resources(order)
        if check_result == 'success':
            if insert_coin(order):
                resources['water'] -= MENU[order]['ingredients']['water']
                resources['milk'] -= MENU[order]['ingredients']['milk']
                resources['coffee'] -= MENU[order]['ingredients']['coffee']
                earn_money += MENU[order]['cost']

            print(f"Sorry there is not enough {''.join(check_result)}.")

    if order == 'report':

    if order == "off":
        machine_working = False

#Python #課堂筆記 #100 Days of Code

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